Volvo D13 Injectors  &  Mack MP8 Injectors

The Jones Diesel Passion


Injectors are, unfortunately, the major flaw of any Volvo D13/Mack MP8 engine. 

The question is not "if" they will fail, but "when".

The design of these injectors includes a mating surface seal between the conical tip of the injector and the injector cup. The mating surface naturally wears out through minuscule movements and vibrations caused by the valve train, injector internals, and piston travel. Once this mating surface wears past a certain degree, it no longer seals properly. It begins to leak combustion pressures directly into the pressurized fuel system, essentially known as air-in-fuel. This is the most common injector failure on a D13/MP8.



Brand New Condition


Bad Condition


 Reusable Condition

Jones Diesel is here to help! We are thoroughly dealer trained and tooled to repair the worst of injection system faults! Better yet, we are able to cut dealership costs nearly in half!

Give us a call if you suspect you may have an injection system failure. 

Below are some general symptoms that are commonly experienced with injector failure:

  • Hard-Start/Extended Crank

Does your truck crank over a little bit longer than normal before it fires up after letting it sit for a day or two?

This is the first indication of a loss of prime and/or an air bubble building within the fuel rail due to leaking injector mating surfaces

  • Power Loss

Are you beginning to notice that the engine seems weaker than normal when pulling a certain grade or a heavier load?

There are several reasons you could be losing power, but in conjunction with a hard-start, it is likely another sign of an injector failure

  • Overly Frequent Regens

Is your truck demanding a parked regen more often than normal, for instance, asking you to pull over and regen two or three days in a row?

Injector faults lead to excessive soot build up within the aftertreatment system, and may cause collateral damage.

  • Vigorous Shaking

Does the entire truck/engine start shaking under a heavy load, for instance, when applying extra throttle to pull a hill?

This is likely your final warning to bring the truck in for service before it decides to leave you stranded in the near future


Jones Diesel is the Master of Volvo/Mack Injectors!

We can repair your fuel system BETTER, FASTER, AND CHEAPER than any competitor in the Colorado area! Give us a call today and we will prove it.


What does Jones Diesel have to offer?

Dealer Level Specialty Tooling

Dealer Level Diagnostic Equipment

Dealer Level Training and Experience

Without the dealer level costs and wait times!